Several exciting things have happened at SHS this week. First, the IOWA achievement tests began on Tuesday. The students worked hard and hopefully, did their best on these tests. The second, fourth, and sixth-grade students will take the CoGat Ability Tests next week. The week after that, the students, grades 2-8 will take the ARK (Assessment of Religious Knowledge) test. This test is also given to the faculty and staff. Our soccer team was busy this week. They traveled to Waynesboro on Tuesday, but the Lions lost that game. However, they more than made up for that on Thursday. They played South Lawrence and won that game 7-5. This was the most exciting game so far this season. Way to go Lions! The team will play Leoma on Monday of this coming week. They will also go to Waynesboro to compete in a tournament on Thursday and Friday. On Friday, Mrs. Lumpkins’ first and second-grade class gave a demonstration in the gym for the students, teachers, and parents. This was a culmination of the work they have done learning about the planets. The students did a wonderful job not only displaying their projects but also discussing them. Please tell everyone you know who might be considering Sacred Heart School for their children in the coming school year to attend our Question and Answer session at The Reserve on the square this Wednesday, April 17, at 4:30-6:00 P.M. Light food will be catered by Society.